In this episode we catch up with Jerome and find out about his experience growing up mixed race in London and living in America. We also spoke about the effects of not speaking about race in his household and his relationship with his lighter skinned brother. Let us know what you think. Hope you all enjoy! J&K x
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Jo and Ken - the interracial couple behind The Interracial Space - guest appear on the Locked down with… Podcast. In this podcast we talk about the conversations which have sparked between them from the events of 2020 including BLM, George Floyd and Lockdown. 2020 brought out a lot of new conversations for them as a couple. Which even after eight years of being in a relationship they had never addressed of thought of before. I love being able to speak to these two so openly about race. And, I love the community they are trying to create on social media. I hope you find this conversation really insightful.
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So, It’s not home yet
Episode 3 (Bonus)
Jo and I share our thoughts on the England final and what transpired afterwards.
Changing Narratives
Episode 4
This week we catch up Carl. We speak about fatherhood, his school experience and how it shaped him along with how he became tv producer.
The South Asian Experience with Danielle
Episode 5
In this episode we catch up with Danielle, trainee clinical psychologist, our good friend and amazing bridesmaid.
We discuss her childhood and living in Essex, finding her identity at University and her journey through life.
The Interracial talks with Blue Stella Children's Books
Episode 6
This week we catch up with Danielle, the creator of Blue Stella Books.
We discuss parenthood, her inspiration behind her books and what she has learnt over the last year
Join Evie and Isla on their amazing adventures learning about their heritage and the heritage of their beautiful blended family.
You can buy the children’s book series at
Encourage the love and follow Blue Stella on Instagram @bluestellabooks